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Human Resources Department

1.About the Department

Human Resources Department (HRD) is committed to providing the College with high quality and efficient human resource services that support the College in attracting, retaining and nurturing staff of the highest calibre. The Department deals with the management of mid- and lower level cadres, remuneration and benefits, recruitments, staff training and development, appointments, promotions, administration of personnel matters and so on. The main duties of HRD are as follows:

l to implement the guidelines, policies and regulations related to personnel matters of the State and Guangdong Province; and overall planning, management and providing services of personnel matters;

l to work with other schools and departments in formulating regulations and plans concerning job setting, attraction and retention of talents, development and construction of human rescouces, personnel and labor management in line with the College's medium and long-term planning objective – becoming the first-class private college; and to implement the rules and regulations approved by the President's Office;

l to assist in the administrative process of staff recruitment, training and development, performance review, personnel information, file management and statistics reports;

l to assist in the administrative process of selection, cultivation, appointment, transfer, promotion of mid- and lower level cadres;

l to handle the teachers’ qualifications verification, evaluation, verification and appointment of other academic and administrative staff;

l to develop, attract and retain high caliber talents;

l to safeguard staff remuneration and benefit packages;

l to handle affairs related to such various types of insurance as retirement benefits, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, maternity insurance, work injury insurance of the College’s staff and faculty, opening & closing accounts and deposits & withdrawals of provident funds.  

 2.Organizational Structure

The Human Resources Department comprises three sections, namely: General Management Section, Talent Construction Office and Remuneration & Benefits Section. It has a total of 10 staff members including the director, the associate director, 3 section chiefs, and 5 associate officers, performing duties as follows:

General Management Section

l information communication, business coordination and supervision within and outside the HR Department;

l the maintenance and management of the personnel information system.

l the management of the staff’s budgeted posts, posts and job verification;

l the management of the full- and part-time teaching staff’s files, personnel information collection, statistics, analysis and reports;

l the recruitment and appointment of staff;

l the provision of extensive orientation training for new employees, contract issues and daily management;

l the management and archiving of official documents within and outside the Department, and the workflow and recording within the Department.

l the maintenance and management of the website of HRS;

l the provision of various personnel certificates;

l office asset management and docking;

l to ensure that tasks assigned by leaders are completed in a timely manner.

Talent Construction Office

The administrative functions are as follows:

l to formulate talent development plans and improve the supporting policies for the attraction of talents;

l to manage staff’s professional title evaluation and appointment;

l to handle various talent projects, young scholars’ application and their daily management;

l to offer such services as verification of teachers’ qualification, English for titles exams, computer exams;

l to undertake the attraction, implementation, appointment and management of domestic and foreign specialized, high calibre talents;

l to make contact with high calibre and foreign talents, to handle their information collection & analysis, and publicity;

l to provide continuing education and staff training;

l to manage an effective annual performance review system; to set and execute disciplinary processes and mechanisms for staff appraisal, evaluation, rewards and punishments;

l to ensure that tasks assigned by leaders are completed in a timely manner.

Remuneration and Benefits Section

The administrative functions are as follows:

l to set standards and policies for remuneration and benefits;

l to handle affairs related to adjustment, accounting, and payment of staff’s remuneration and benefits;

l to evaluate pay practices according to staff’s working years, and set compensation and benefits structures;

l to handle such various insurance affairs as declaration, suspension, transfer, and housing provident fund;

l to calculate and manage various personnel funding;

l to manage general budget of the College faculty, and assist in providing final accounting data;

l to conduct budgets at the department level and executive management.

l to assist in the construction and application of the personnel information system.

l to ensure that tasks assigned by leaders are completed in a timely manner.