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Department of Industry-University-Research Cooperation

   1. About the Department

The Department of Industry-University-Research Cooperation was formerly the Industry-University-Research Cooperation Office, which was established in April 2017. In accordance with the idea of “integrating major with industry, promoting teaching through platform, training students in practice bases, promoting services through industry-university collaboration”, it strives to deepen the cooperation with government and enterprises and vigorously promotes the integration between industry and education, forming a model of joint cultivation of talents between school and enterprises. Apart from these, the department also seeks to stimulate the enthusiasm of faculties, encouraging and assisting in the innovation and establishment of disciplinary companies, technology companies and research institutions.

In July 2018, the College established the Industry-University-Research Cooperation Department on the basis of the original school-university cooperation office to further integrate innovative resources, build innovation platforms, expand service functions, play the role of bridges and ties better and do more practical and effective work to promote the integration of government, school, banking and enterprise.

   2.Organizational Structure
