Aug 21, 2024

President Tang Tao Delivered Speech at the 2nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Doctoral and Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

On July 3rd, the 2nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Doctoral and Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was launched at the permanent venue of the International Finance Forum (IFF) in Nansha District, Guangzhou. The organizing committee appointed 15 academicians with outstanding achievements in relevant professional fields as innovation experts, to guide the organization, evaluation and other work of the event. Tang Tao, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the European Academy of Sciences, and the President of Nanfang College, Guangzhou, attended the event and delivered a speech as a representative of the competition's expert advisory committee.

In his speech, Academician Tang Tao stated that young scientific talents, represented by doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, are a crucial force in helping our country catch up and surpass advanced nations in certain fields in the race alongside the world's leading countries. They are the wellspring of China's strategic scientific and technological strength. He hoped that doctoral and postdoctoral researchers would seize the opportunity presented by this competition, combining patriotic sentiment with an international perspective to shoulder the responsibilities entrusted to them by the era. He encouraged them to fully display their talents, pursue their dreams, and achieve their ambitions in the vibrant and promising Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Academician Tang also called for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers from Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao to join hands in exploring new paths and methods for scientific and technological innovation, to transform innovative achievements into real productive forces, and to contribute their wisdom and strength to promoting innovative development and scientific progress in the Greater Bay Area.

According to reports, this year's competition is rooted in the policy advantages of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Nansha District, adhering to a global-oriented philosophy. aiming to create a competition with distinctive characteristics, innovative designs, strong industry-orientation and rich supporting activities. It is expected that over a thousand teams will register for the competition.

Over the years, NCG has consistently focused on cultivating a group of high-quality, versatile applied-talents with a broad professional foundation, strong practical abilities and an innovative spirit. In the future, NCG will continue to integrate innovation and entrepreneurship education into the entire talent cultivation process, contributing to the construction of a high-level talent highland in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and providing strong support for promoting high-quality development in the region.