Jul 29, 2024

Professor Tang Tao, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, appointed President of Nanfang College, Guangzhou

Nanfang College, Guanghzhouheld the inauguration ceremonyforProfessor Tang Tao, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, in theFirstConferenceRoom of theMultiple-useBuilding. Zheng Chenguang,Director of theschool’sDevelopment Strategy Committeeand Chairman of theSchoolBoard, leaders of Guangdong Pearl River Investment Co., LTD., and all school leaders attended theceremonychaired by Du Zhanpeng,Secretary of the school board.

Ontheceremony, Chairman Zheng Chenguang announced the appointment of Professor Tang Tao, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, as the president ofNanfang College, Guangzhou, and issued a letter of appointment for President Tang Tao.

Chairman Zheng Chenguang extended a warm welcome to President Tang Tao and expressed his sincere admiration fortheAcademician's superb academic attainments andremarkablemanagement ability. He hoped that all school leaders, under the leadership of President Tang Tao, would take the development of school education as their own responsibility, fulfill their duties, forge ahead in unity, andbring up thebrilliance together.

President Tang Tao said that as a youngcampus,NanfangCollege, Guangzhouhas always been at the forefront of private universities in Guangdong Province with asolidfoundation and a promising future. He will actively meet the new challenges, work togetherandpioneerinnovativelywith all theschoolleaders, teachers and students, contributinghis experience, wisdom and strength toNanfang College, Guangzhouas soon as possible to build a high-level university that ranks thetopofapplication-orienteduniversitieswith distinctive characteristicsin China.

Li Jianchao, Secretary of the school’s CPC Committee,said that the arrival ofPresidentTang Tao will certainlyinjectnew ideas anddynamicsto thecollege, bringingfreshimpetus and guidance to theschool’sdevelopment. Theschool’sParty Committee will fully support President Tang Tao to carry out his work, jointly create abrandnew career pattern, workingtogether to promote the high-quality development of the school.

On the school’s development issues, Director of the school’s Development Strategy Committee put forward four requirements.

First,take into account the overall situationof the collegeand set astableposition. It is necessary tocoordinatetheactualityof the school’s developmentat the current stagewiththe new requirements,targetsand expectations put forward by the state and local governments,so as toplan theprogressorientation of the schoolin linewiththe tide of times.

Second, pursueprosperitythrough innovation.Campus culturecruciallyguaranteesthe development of the school. Payingattention toinnovating and pushing forwardexcellent campus culturepromises significance.

Third, seize theguiding principle to yield new fruits. Always adhere to thegeneral guiding principleof "sticking tostandards,following regulations,enhancingquality",toconstantly improve the quality and competitiveness of the school;

Fourth, unite and create brilliance. The development of the school cannot be separated from a united and diligentgroup ofleadership.School leadersshallfully support the work of President Tang Tao,and jointlyforgethe glory ofNanfang College, Guangzhou.